07 December 2012

Flat Belly Mommy

Since Reagan dumped milk all over my shirt, I figured I'd take the opportunity to show y'all my progress so far on tightening up my midsection.

Exercise and diet is hard with four kids running around.  You'd think between chasing a two year old, lifting 40 lb preschoolers, and nursing a baby, I'd be burning some serious calories, but apparently not enough to budge the scale.  That's why a while ago I started to get serious about losing the baby weight from baby #4.

I really like Jillian Michaels: 6 Week Six-Pack, but the workouts are 40 minutes long, and I just couldn't get through it without a million interruptions.  It's very discouraging when you feel like you have a dozen more important things to do anyway.  So I started doing some 10-25 minute workouts from some of my Denise Austin DVDs and Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and I decided I really had to start counting calories if I was going to make any progress.

I looked around and found a Flat Belly Diet 2-week meal plan online.  A handful of the recipes looked pretty good, so I made an investment in some of the trademark MUFA foods they contained and somehow managed to stick to the diet for a good 2-3 weeks, despite Hurricane Sandy and everything!  I also found this family recipe book at the library, making it easier for me to feed us all the same meal Bonus: kids get a healthier diet, too!  I had begun to rely a little too heavily on hot dogs and box mac & cheese, and was feeling pretty guilty about it anyway.

Long story short - I've lost 10 lbs so far!  The results have shown up on the scale, in losing a pant size - back into a 6!  And I'm using the last notch of my belt (and I need the belt).  My stomach definitely looks less bloated and pregnant, although it's still not toned or tightened (working out has seriously gone by the wayside).

Once I hit the 10 lb milestone, I kinda took a break.  We've had guests and (even worse) holiday left overs.  I think for Christmas dinner I might insist on low-cal options only, because my desire to not waste tons of perfectly good food far exceeds my desire to be healthy.

Here the visual results so far:

I had to turn to take the picture so you can see my obliques starting to peek through!  FYI, these jeans are now a size too big, so they aren't that flattering...

And from the front, you can see a hint that there might actually be muscles underneath the flab.  What you can't tell (luckily) is that my skin is still looser than I'd like and not taut.  I figure I have until that linea nigra goes away before I have to stop using the pregnancy excuse for that.

So now it's on to Phase 3 - hitting the workouts hard.  I think I might get one or two more Denise Austin DVDs that feature 10-20 minute HITT/circuit training type workouts in order to squeeze them in, and I might try to talk Matt into hooking up our Wii so I can get the Zumba game for it (Christmas gift, anyone???)  Heck, I may even fit in some visits to the gym a couple of times a week.  If I can redouble my dieting efforts along with the exercise I should be at supermodel status in no time.

Anyway, wish me luck, y'all!  

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